Find the money, restore confidence.

Climb out of accounting troubles with Fiscal Highland’s forensic and investigative services.

Fiscal Highlands LLC is a consulting firm that assists nonprofit organizations and their advisors in confronting fraud, financial discrepancies, employee misconduct and regulatory issues. We help mitigate financial losses and reputational harm, and prevent financial issues from percolating into bigger, more expensive legal problems.

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We conduct comprehensive investigations into financial misconduct, such as embezzlement, laundering and asset misappropriation. We also provide litigation support and reconstruct financial records. If we are able to work with you early enough, we may be able to help implement fraud detection and prevention measures to prevent loss in the first place.

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This is not a CPA firm. As such, we do not perform audits or attestation engagements. Nor is this a tax firm, financial advisory firm or law firm. As noted above, this is a consulting firm that provides forensic accounting services and investigative accounting services, and the like. This focus is intentional. If you have any questions about Fiscal Highland’s capabilities, please contact us.